FREE Concussion Awareness Class!
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 6:00 pm
5540 w 111th Street in Oak Lawn
Toddlers, children and teens can bump, bang or crack their heads even when they aren’t playing a contact sport. When they suffer a concussion, care needs to be prompt and thorough, with verification of a clean bill of health before they resume normal activities to avoid devastating complications.
Kathleen Galyean, PA-C will help parents, caregivers and coaches understand:
• The effect of concussion on a child’s brain
• The risks of waiting to treat a concussion
• Why kids and adults need to recover completely
• When and why parents should consider baseline concussion testing for their child
Come discover how concussions can be properly managed to protect your child’s mental health and academic success!
This seminar is FREE, but you must reserve your seat as space is limited. Click HERE to register!