What is a Pediatrician?
A pediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of children. Pediatricians are educated and trained specifically in the health and illnesses of infants, teens and young adults. Pediatricians may be certified by the American Board of Pediatrics after passing a comprehensive exam.
Pediatricians provide preventive care for children in good health and medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill. They also provide parents with support and advice about growth and development, safety and prevention, nutrition, and emotional wellness to foster a lifetime of good health.
For car seat safety, click here.
For information about breastfeeding, click here.
For safe sleeping recommendations, click here.
For introduction of solid foods, click here.
For immunization recommendations, click here.
To make your child’s immunizations less stressful, click here for English and here for Spanish.
For developmental milestones, click here.
For physical activity recommendations by age, click here.
For nutritional recommendations by age, click here.
To recycle your child’s old carseat, click here.
To help your child quit vaping or smoking, click here.
If you are concerned your child has a substance abuse disorder, please click here. for StartYourRecovery.org
For more information, please visit
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Kids Health
- LaLeche League
- Familydoctor.org
- Safekids.org
- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Centers for Disease Control
- Vaccine Information
- Allied Vaccine Group
- Immunization Action Coalition
- Allervision
- CDC on Asthma
- American Academy of Asthma Allergy & Immunity
- Kids In Danger
- StartYourRecovery.org