The Pros and Cons of Chiropractic Care for Children

Little baby receiving chiropractic treatment of her back

If your newborn seems inconsolable due to colic or your toddler struggles with constipation— and traditional methods don’t seem to help—you might start looking into alternative methods of relief. Some parents turn to chiropractic treatments, especially if they’ve had personal success with chiropractic care or know someone who has.

At Alzein Pediatrics, we respect every parent’s desire to ease their child’s discomfort. But is chiropractic care for children an effective way to do that?

Here’s an overview:

Research on Chiropractic for Children

  • Over 20 years ago, researchers noticed a rise in the number of children visiting chiropractors. They looked into potential benefits and risks but found insufficient evidence at that time.
  • While research has since grown, research specifically focusing on young children remains limited.
  • Despite the limited data, interest continues to rise, especially for newborns, fueled by social media and a growing preference for holistic health approaches.

What is Chiropractic?

  • Chiropractic typically involves subluxation, or adjusting skeletal joints to potentially improve nervous system function and overall health.
  • Child chiropractic applies the same principles, but with reduced intensity and pressure to accommodate developing bones and muscles.
  • There is evidence chiropractic can help with short-term relief of back pain for adults, though broader health benefits remain unverified for children!

Does Chiropractic Work?

  • Parents and chiropractors often share anecdotal success stories about improvements in:
    • Colic
    • Acid reflux
    • Feeding and latching challenges
    • Constipation
  • Medically, there is no definitive clinical evidence that chiropractic treats these non-musculoskeletal issues in newborns.
  • Colic, acid reflux, and feeding issues often resolve on their own. Chiropractic may not be the direct cause of improvement.

Choosing a Chiropractor

If you decide to try chiropractic care for your child, select your chiropractor carefully:

Credentials and Experience

  • Ask about professional credentials, certifications, and licensing for infant and child treatment

Approach and Philosophy

  • Confirm how they’ll adjust techniques for children vs. adults. No popping or cracking!
  • Verify they support your decision to vaccinate and align with your healthcare values.

Referrals and Reviews

  • Seek guidance from your pediatrician or other healthcare providers for a referral.
  • Look up online reviews and avoid offices with pushy sales tactics or unnecessary X-rays.


  • Ensure they’re willing to communicate openly with your pediatrician to keep everyone on the same page.

Working with Your Pediatrician

  • It’s vital that your Alzein Pediatrics provider and your chosen chiropractor share information to keep your child safe.
  • We welcome a collaborative approach as evidence-based chiropractic care continues to develop and may benefit families.

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions about your child’s health—whether related to chiropractic care or otherwise—please message us through your patient portal. We’re always ready to guide and support you in making the best decisions for your child’s well-being

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