If you have any questions about our pediatric services, office hours, accepted insurance plans, or payment options – or if you have compliments or concerns about your experience at Alzein Pediatrics – please contact us at 708-424-7600 or submit the form below.
Your newborn can curl her hand around your finger immediately, but it can take nearly a year to develop the fine motor skills to use a pincer grasp to pick up a Cheerio. Just like these muscles strengthen and refine…
The 2017-2018 vaccine to protect your child against influenza has arrived in our offices. Your child needs a new flu shot each and every year. The influenza, or flu, viruses are constantly changing, so scientists change the formula each season…
Summer seems to have hardly begun and we’re already staring down back-to-school. Where did the time go? We hope you and your child have had the opportunity to spend time together, enjoy the outdoors, and explore your local library. The…
[caption id="attachment_506" align="alignnone" width="724"] The color timeline for your child[/caption] Your baby enters this big, exciting, colorful world able to actually see very little of it. Just like your infant’s motor skills and verbal skills, vision takes time to develop.…
There is so much information out there about your newborn; sleeping, eating, bonding, peeing, pooping and much more. What seems to be lacking, however, is information about what else is contained in your child’s diaper. Parents should be aware…
While it might not be a birthday, 30 months old is HUGE for your child. So many important markers should now be met - or very close to it. Ensuring that your child is on track, or getting early intervention…
Working with SAMS highlights human goodness for Dr. Hassan Alzein - When confronted with poverty, violence and cruelty, Dr. Hassan Alzein looks in a different direction. He sees the kindness, compassion and selflessness of human nature amidst the tragedy. Dr.…
Making friends is one of our first joys in life, and we continue to feel that delight each time we add a new friend to our circle, no matter how old we get. For most children with autism, it’s…
At Alzein Pediatrics, we completely understand the need for support and friendship when you are a parent. Positive interaction with child caretakers of all sorts are important to getting through sleepless nights, toilet training, bullying, puberty and teen angst. Yikes…
Your infant was happy to be held by Grandma, loved being talked to by Uncle Fred and was all smiles when you left her at daycare. Suddenly, at about six months old, your child cries whenever you leave the room…