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The Color Timeline for your Child

[caption id="attachment_506" align="alignnone" width="724"] The color timeline for your child[/caption] Your baby enters this big, exciting, colorful world able to actually see very little of it. Just like your infant’s motor skills and verbal skills, vision takes time to develop.…
Mother bathing baby in tub with water and bubbles lather

Newborn Hygiene Care

  There is so much information out there about your newborn; sleeping, eating, bonding, peeing, pooping and much more. What seems to be lacking, however, is information about what else is contained in your child’s diaper. Parents should be aware…
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Enough Negative Mommy Blogs!

At Alzein Pediatrics, we completely understand the need for support and friendship when you are a parent. Positive interaction with child caretakers of all sorts are important to getting through sleepless nights, toilet training, bullying, puberty and teen angst. Yikes…
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My Baby Is Breaking Out!

  Your baby is born with skin that’s almost too soft and beautiful to be believed. You’ve probably spent the first few weeks just rubbing your finger along her arm or cheek, practically addicted to the smooth tenderness. And then…
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What that kid needs is a good….

Do you catch other people - or yourself - saying that about your child? Perhaps it’s not “bad behavior”. Perhaps there is a real, scientifically proven, neurological reason for your child’s inability to control his impulses and pay attention. Perhaps…
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