Concussions and Your Growing Child

concussions in your growing child.

Concussions in Chicago

Concussions in your growing child can be scary. No parent wants to imagine what could go wrong with their child if they are not careful, but a concussion can turn into a serious problem if you do not seek medical attention right away.

When 24-year-old NFL player Chris Borland resigned last week, it placed the subject of concussions front and center once again. This successful football player made the choice to walk away from a great deal of money to protect the health of his brain.

Alzein Pediatrics knows that concussions are a serious health concern for people at any age, but they pose a special risk to children due to the size of their brain within their own skull.

What is a concussion?
A concussion occurs when your child’s brain bangs against his or her own skull and sustains damage; bruising, torn blood vessels or nerve injury. Helmets cannot prevent concussion.

A concussion in your growing child can be a serious problem, even if they seem to do fine right after the impact. If you are worried at all that a concussion occurred, it is best to be on the safe side and work with a doctor to get your child the medical help they need.

Why should I be concerned?
Multiple concussions, even years apart, will cause chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which drastically impairs brain function and causes dementia.

Many times a concussion is ignored and no one will seek out the necessary medical help. This can be dangerous for the child. Concussions in your growing child could cause a number of problems later on if you do not use the proper caution.

How can a concussion happen?
Your child can get a concussion from almost any bump to the head; it doesn’t take a linebacker. A mild fall, a whiplash injury – any collision or “snap” of the head can cause a concussion. A blackout does not need to occur.

How do I know if my child has a concussion in Chicago?

Concussions in your growing child can be a serious condition, and it is important to recognize the signs so that you can give your child the medical attention they deserve.

Concussions don’t always show up immediately, so watch your child for 72 hours after the fall or injury. Take your child to the emergency room if any of these symptoms occur:
• loss of consciousness or blackout
• you are unable to rouse or wake your child
• a severe headache, or a headache that gets worse
• blurred vision
• vomiting
• trouble walking or talking
• confusion or confused speech

All of these can be signs of concussions in your growing child and you should seek the help of a trusted doctor as soon as possible.

How is a concussion treated in Chicago?

When you are worried about concussions in your growing child, you need to be on the lookout for some of the signs above. When you see several of them present, especially after the child is hurt, you need to seek medical help right away.

Careful, watchful home care of physical and mental rest is appropriate for some concussions, while more severe concussions could require hospitalization or surgery. A concussion must be fully healed before returning to normal activities.

We know that as a parent, you struggle with many difficult decisions as your children grow and we know that sports participation can teach cooperation, leadership, goal-setting and much more.

Taking Care of Concussions in Your Growing Child in Chicago

If you’d like to speak to your doctor or PA at Alzein Pediatrics before you guide your child to a sport, we would be happy to help.

March 23, 2015 / Uncategorized
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