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My Baby Is Breaking Out!

  Your baby is born with skin that’s almost too soft and beautiful to be believed. You’ve probably spent the first few weeks just rubbing your finger along her arm or cheek, practically addicted to the smooth tenderness. And then…
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What that kid needs is a good….

Do you catch other people - or yourself - saying that about your child? Perhaps it’s not “bad behavior”. Perhaps there is a real, scientifically proven, neurological reason for your child’s inability to control his impulses and pay attention. Perhaps…
For the baby.

To Binky or Not To Binky

  A pacifier, soother, binky - whatever you might call it - sparks all kinds of opinions and judgements about your parenting methods. Grandma may tell you a pacifier makes your child “weak” or will give her a bad overbite.…
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What Would Abraham Lincoln Think About Vaccinations?

“The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.” - Abraham Lincoln. Yes, it’s funny - until you consider the ramifications of “I read it on the Internet, so it must be true”…
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Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)

It can be a parent’s most terrifying moment - when your child suddenly exhibits symptoms that are intense, difficult to understand and uncommon. Diagnosis can be challenging, treatment not widely known and gathering information nearly impossible. If you are on…
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