What Parents Need to Know About Pinkeye

What Parents Need to Know About Pinkeye

Alzein Pediatrics Pinkeye

Pinkeye in Chicago

When your child wakes up in the morning with swollen, red and gunky eyes, it can be pretty scary. After all, your child’s vision is extremely precious. Many parents worry about pinkeye and how it can affect their children. What parents need to know about pinkeye is important to keeping them and everyone else safe.

However, conjunctivitis or pinkeye is common and, with proper treatment, will not cause any long-term damage to eyes or vision. We can provide you with what parents need to know about pinkeye to keep your child safe.  Calling Alzein Pediatrics for an urgent appointment is vital to getting proper treatment quickly.

What Parents Need to Know About Pinkeye in Chicago

Pinkeye isn’t caused by just one factor. Your child’s pinkeye can be caused by the same viruses that causes colds, ear infections and sore throats. Allergic reactions can bring on pinkeye, as well as substances in your child’s environment, such as soap, cigarette smoke, or other irritants.

How do I know it’s really pinkeye?

There are a few different symptoms that your child can display when they suffer from pinkeye. Sometimes they will have one or two of the symptoms, but it is possible that they can show all of them too.

Your child may have any of these symptoms, so it’s best to call us immediately so we can diagnose and treat promptly.

  • feeling of sand or gritty irritants in the eye, itching
  • redness of the eye and inner eyelid
  • discharge that gums eyelids together, especially when your child wakes, or excessive tearing.
  • swelling
  • sensitivity to light

What parents need to know about pinkeye will include the symptoms. Take a look at the eyes of your child to help determine whether pinkeye is present and it is time for you to leave them at home so they do not spread it.

Is Pinkeye Contagious in Chicago?

When caused by bacteria and viruses, pinkeye is highly contagious. It is hard to know whether pinkeye is contagious or not before you take your child in to the doctor. This is why it is best to assume that the pinkeye is contagious and use the proper precautions.

Keep your child out of school and all activities until you are seen by Alzein Pediatrics. You may find that the condition is no longer contagious and it is safe for your child to go back to normal activities, but it is best to have a doctor take a look. What parents need to know about pinkeye is that it can be really contagious if not treated well.

How do I control the spread of the infection in my home?

Do not let your child share bedding, wash clothes, towels, tissues, or eye drops. Your whole family should wash hands frequently with soap and warm water. It is best to err on the side of cation to make sure that pinkeye is able to go away and won’t stick around your home for longer than necessary.

Wash bedding, washcloths and towels daily.  Products such as Lysol wipes and Lysol spray should be used on all surfaces your child may come in contact with until the infection is completely cleared.

How is pinkeye treated in Chicago?

Alzein Pediatrics may prescribe an antibiotic ointment or eyedrops. Cool compresses and acetaminophen (as in Tylenol) or ibuprofen (as in Motrin) can help ease the discomfort.

So I really should call for an appointment?

Yes! Very serious, vision-damaging conditions can look like pinkeye, and pinkeye infections can spread like wildfire through your home and your child’s daycare or school if left untreated. It is vital that you call us for an urgent appointment immediately. It is better to be careful and trust your child’s doctor to make sure that you protect the vision of your child.

November 12, 2015 / Uncategorized
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