Baby Test After One Minute of Birth!

Baby test after one minute of birth

Your newborn is only a minute old when they take their first test – and there’s no way to study!

When the Baby is finally born, there’s a great deal of activity in your room. Mom is being checked, medical staff is milling about and Baby is given their very first test at just one minute of age. They’re given the same test about 4 minutes later, but parents may still barely notice one minute after birth the baby will be tested.

What is this test and why is it so important? Dr. Alzein explains the APGAR Score and what it means – and doesn’t mean – for your very brand-new baby.

The APGAR test has been used since 1953 when it was created by Dr. Virginia Apgar. She used her last name as an acronym for five objective signs that are commonly used to assess the overall condition of a newborn. Each sign is given a score of 2 to zero and then scores are added to Baby’s APGAR total.

APGAR test After Baby’s Birth – ‘Five Objective Signs’ of Newborn’s Health

A is for Appearance or skin color. Babies earn a 2 when the skin, mouth, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet are pink. When skin color is healthy all over but hands and feet are bluish, Baby scores a 1. If the Baby is very pale, blue, or gray, a zero is noted.

P is for Pulse or heart rate. A normal heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute earns a 2. Below 100 beats gets a 1 and if Baby has no pulse, a zero.

G is for Grimace or reflex irritability. A score of 2 is earned when the Baby reacts strongly to stimulation such as a mild pinch, pulling away, coughing, sneezing, or crying. When there is a facial movement only – a grimace – when Baby is pinched, a score of 1 is tallied. When the Baby does not respond to stimulation, a zero is earned.

A is for Activity, or muscle tone. Babies who score a 2 are in active motion, with flexed muscles. Babies score a 1 when there is some tone and flex. A zero is scored when muscle tone is loose and floppy, without activity.

R is for Respiration, or breathing rate and effort. A newborn with a healthy cry and regular strong breathing rate earns a 2. If the rest and fall of Baby’s chest are irregular or slow, they will earn a 1. A zero is scored when there is no breathing.

After Baby’s Birth Test Result: When Scores are Added to Babies’ APGAR scores, they’re more ‘normal’

When scores are added, babies with a 7 or better are accessed as being in good health. Babies who are born after high-risk pregnancies, via C-section, prematurely, or after a difficult labor and delivery are more likely to have a lower APGAR score.

The APGAR score was created to give medical professionals a quick and easy way to assess the health of your newborn at that moment only. It helps us decide if the Baby may need immediate help, such as oxygen or airway suctioning, just after birth.

APGAR scores are not an indication of long-term health, intelligence, or capabilities.

Questions about newborn screening? Just ask your question on our social media or call our office. You can also visit Our Evergreen Park, Oak Lawn/95th Street, and Urgent Care locations – we will be happy to help!

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