Chicagoland's most trusted children's pediatric doctors

Monday 9 AM - 7 PM
Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday 9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM
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Monday 9 AM - 7 PM
Tuesday 9 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday 9 AM - 7 PM
Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
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Monday 9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM - 7 PM
Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 1 PM (Sick children only, appointments preferred. Phones open at 8 am to make an appointment, walk-ins accepted.)
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Our Chicago Area Pediatric Blog

The Pros and Cons of Chiropractic Care for Children

If your newborn seems inconsolable due to colic or your toddler struggles with constipation— and traditional methods don’t seem to help—you might start looking into alternative methods of relief. Some parents turn to chiropractic treatments, especially if they’ve…

What’s Your Sleepover Policy?

Children have an uncanny ability to ask for their first sleepover – and many that follow – at the last minute, when there’s little time to discuss and prepare. If you haven’t determined a sleepover policy by the…

Isn’t Arthritis an “Old People’s” Disease?

When Your Child’s Joints Ache It can be alarming when your toddler starts limping, your grade-schooler complains of daily aches, or your teenager seems irritable and withdraws from sports or dance because they “just can’t do it anymore.”…

When The Crying Just Won’t Stop: Help for a colicky baby

As new parents, you quickly develop an ear for your baby’s cries. One cry might indicate hunger and another a need for a diaper change. But when the crying suddenly turns into screaming, as if your child is…